HSS Insider – Sep. 2021 – HSS Connections With Rotated Members

STI's HSS Insider

September 2021 | Issue #8

The Future and Possibilities of Rotated Members and Industry Communications

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HSS Articles

HSS Connections With Rotated Members

HSS Connections Rotated Members figure 2 HSS Insider - Sep. 2021 - HSS Connections With Rotated Members

“Architects are continually exploring ways to make interesting and aesthetic structures with HSS. One way is to rotate square HSS branch and/or chord members by 45 degrees about their member axes. This can significantly complicate the fabrication process, but it does produce connections that are both novel and generally stronger than their counterparts with non-rotated members.”

Overcoming Challenges to Open New Levels of Communication and Structural Possibilities

We spoke with Brian Volpe, chief engineer of Cives Steel Company and Cives Engineering Corporation. With a varied background and a deep bench of experience across consulting and fabrication, we touched on topics including effective communication strategies, overcoming common challenges and the evolution of the steel industry as we look to the future.

Learning Opportunities

HSS Connection Design Software

This presentation provides an overview of commercially available software for performing HSS connection design for both the delegated steel connection engineer and EORs who need to confirm the wall thickness is adequate for their delegated steel connections. Each participant can earn 1 PDH and receive a certificate of completion from STI.

This live webinar has already been presented. You may access the recorded webinar for free and order the quiz by clicking the button below. Note, if you have already ordered the webinar or quiz you will need to log in to your account to access them.

Related Resources

STI Offers 30-Day Free Trial of HSS Connex

HSS Insider - Sep. 2021 - HSS Connections With Rotated Members

HSS Connex is a web-based tool that offers designers a simple way to check HSS wall thicknesses to aid in efficient HSS connection design. The tool performs limit state checks at HSS walls and is great for determining whether reinforcing will be required. HSS Connex is available for HSS Professional Members, but STI is now offering a 30-day free trial.

UPDATE: HSS Connex is now available for free! Get unlimited access to HSS Connex by clicking below to order it. If you have already ordered it, you will need to log in to your account to access it.

HSS Limit State: Plastification

Chord Face Plastification Rectangular Truss to Truss Connection
(15th edition AISC Manual of Steel Construction)

Mike Manor, technical consultant to STI at FORSE Consulting, discusses the definition of the limit state of plastification and the surprising research behind it. “Plastification is a matter of finding the flexural plastic capacity of the face of an HSS member.” 

FE-Based Design of HSS Connections

Deformed shapes of round HSS connections: a slotted HSS end connection loaded in tension, failing by circumferential fracture

Dr. Jeffrey A. Packer reflects on how finite element (FE) analyses have been used as a tool for research on structural steel connections for decades and examines the trend toward nonlinear analyses of FE models meshed with solid elements.

In the News

Business Conditions Remain Strong at Architecture Firms

The ABI score of 54.6 for July 2021 indicates that the majority of architecture firms are continuing to see their billings increase. Inquiries into new projects and the value of new design contracts remain extremely high as well with both still near their all-time historic high points from earlier this year. Business conditions remained strong in all regions of the country in July as well; firms located in the Midwest and West reported the strongest conditions for the second consecutive month.

AIA/Deltek Architecture Billings Index (ABI) requires a subscription to view historical ABI data. This link will take you to the AIA login.

July Steel Imports Up 17.4% Year to Date Through July

The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reported that the U.S. imported a total of 3,010,000 net tons of steel in July 2021, including 2,060,000 net tons of finished steel (up 2.8% and 0.5%, respectively, vs. June final data). Through the first seven months of 2021, total and finished steel imports were 17,729,000 and 12,086,000 net tons, which is up 17.4% and 20.6%, respectively, vs. the same period in 2020.

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