HSS Insider – Dec. 2020 – Laterally Offset HSS Connections

STI's HSS Insider

December 2020 | Issue #3

Exploring HSS Connections On Paper & In the Field

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HSS Articles

Laterally Offset HSS Connections

Figure 3: Branch out-of-plane rotation triggered by uneven deformations, in an unrestrained T-shaped connection under branch compression

The design of rectangular HSS truss-type connections, in which the branches are laterally offset from the chord centerline, is not included in the current steel design Specification (AISC, 2016) nor in any HSS connection design guides internationally (e.g., Packer et al., 2009; Packer et al., 2010). However, branch members are often offset from the chord centerline for aesthetics.

A Wealth of Experience and Real-World Impact With HSS

Minneapolis Convention Center: Ground Assembly Mitered CJP Splice Split Backing

Read our latest peer perspective article featuring Larry Kloiber, consultant and former president of LeJeune Steel. Larry shares highlights from his half-century career, including his impactful role on various code committees and some of his most notable projects.

Related Resources

Modeling HSS Trusses

Large-scale laboratory test on a rectangular HSS planar truss

Dr. Jeffrey A. Packer discusses modeling HSS trusses. Pin-jointed analysis has historically been a natural tool for truss analyses, but nowadays, frame analysis computer programs are the norm for truss analyses. This opens up options, but the question often arises as to whether such a model best represents real HSS truss behavior. Read on for valuable insights from Dr. Packer.

Multi-Planar Welded Connections

Figure 1: A 3D jumble of rectangular HSS in a feature atrium, with multi-planar welded connections

Hear from Dr. Jeffrey A. Packer on multi-planar welded connections. In addition to planar welded connections, multi-planar connections arise in towers, offshore structures, crane gantries, bridges, roof structures and more. With the breadth of possibilities available to designers, fabrication challenges may come with them. Take a closer look at some notable scenarios and solutions. 

Rectangular HSS Connections Close to a Chord End

Pic for Rectangular HSS Connection to a Chord End e1589344034767 574w HSS Insider - Dec. 2020 - Laterally Offset HSS Connections

Read Dr. Jeffrey A. Packer’s technical article called “Rectangular HSS Connections Close to a Chord End.” Over the last 50 years, HSS design recommendations assumed that the member had ample continuity beyond the connection region. Until 2016, there was no established guidance for the case when an HSS branch member is near an open end of an HSS chord member in a girder or truss.

In the News

ABI October 2020: As Decline Slows, Architecture Firms Report an Increase in New Contracts 

Many architecture forms have seen an increase in contracts signed for new work. While 60% of firms reported higher prices/more limited availability of construction materials in the last six to 12 months, business conditions continue to move toward recovery. The decline in billings slows and new project inquiries climb to their highest level in nearly a year. 

AIA/Deltek Architecture Billings Index (ABI) requires a subscription to view historical ABI data. This link will take you to the AIA login.

Steel Imports Down 22.8% Year to Date Through October

Based on preliminary U.S. Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reported that the U.S. imported a total of 1,502,000 net tons (NT) of steel in October 2020, including 1,244,000 NT of finished steel (up 19.6% and 6.6% respectively vs. September final data).

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