HSS Insider – Mar. 2022 – Limits of Applicability

STI's HSS Insider

March 2022 | Issue #10

How Limits of Applicability Inform HSS Design and Practice

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HSS Articles

HSS Limits of Applicability

Figure 2 HSS Branch Members

Limits of applicability and limit state equations outlined in Chapter K of the AISC Steel Specification tables can be daunting to new or seasoned HSS connection designers. This overview outlines what limits of applicability are, why we need them, helpful Limits of Applicability Tables per connection type and more. 

How Diverse Job Experience Aids HSS and Limits of Applicability

We spoke with Craig Haas, president and CEO of Haas Engineering, about how his breadth of experience lends itself to examine the relationship between HSS and limits of applicability. Read further for more on Haas’ career journey, professional advice and his most challenging HSS projects.

Learning Opportunities

2022 Webinar Series

Tune in to our live webinars and learn all things HSS from industry experts. Our webinars are included in HSS Professional Memberships and count toward PDH credits. Click the link below to browse the webinars and register for our 2022 series.

The 2022 live webinars have already been presented. You may access the recorded webinar for free and order the quiz by clicking the button below. Note, if you have already ordered the webinar or quiz you will need to log in to your account to access them.

Related Resources

AISC 360-16 Limit State Tables

AISC 360-16 Limit State Tables

In the AISC 360-16 Specification, there are significant changes to Chapter K. We have created Limit State Tables to accommodate designers to these changes. The tables not only summarize limit state equations for your specific connection, but also summarize limits of applicability for each connection. Click the link below to download our complimentary Limit State Tables.

Rectangular HSS Connections Close to a Chord End

Pic for Rectangular HSS Connection to a Chord End e1589344034767 574w HSS Insider - Mar. 2022 - Limits of Applicability

HSS design recommendations within the last 50 years assume that chord members have ample continuity beyond the connection region. Until recently, there hadn’t been an established guidance for when an HSS branch member is near an open end of an HSS chord member with a girder or truss. Dr. Jeffrey Packer, professor of civil engineering at the University of Toronto, states there should be a minimum end distance from an open chord end where full connection capacity can be achieved for an unreinforced connection.

30-Day Free Trial of HSS Connex

HSS Insider - Mar. 2022 - Limits of Applicability

HSS Connex is our web-based tool that offers designers a simple way to check HSS wall thicknesses, aid in efficient HSS connection design and minimize guesswork on AISC 360-16. The tool performs limit state checks at HSS walls and is great for determining whether reinforcing will be required. HSS Connex is available for HSS Professional Members, but STI is now offering a 30-day free trial for nonmembers. Start your free trial today by clicking the link below.

UPDATE: HSS Connex is now available for free! Get unlimited access to HSS Connex by clicking below to order it. If you have already ordered it, you will need to log in to your account to access it.

In the News

STI at NASCC: The Steel Conference

Join us in person at NASCC: The Steel Conference to learn more about HSS welds, HSS reinforcing and more. The conference will be held in Denver at the Colorado Convention Center from March 23-25. We will be stationed at booth #3205 and encourage you to attend the following presentations: “Reinforcing HSS” with Cathleen Jacinto, PE, SE on Wednesday, March 23 from 4:15-5:15 p.m MT; “HSS Examples Outside the Tube” with Beth Suminski, PE, SE on Thursday, March 24 from 11:00 a.m-12:00 p.m MT; and “Know Your HSS Welds” with Kim Olson, PE, on Thursday, March 24 from 1:45-2:45 p.m MT.

This event has past. Click the button below to view details on the next NASCC event. Sign up for HSS enews to receive event announcements.

Architecture Billing Index Projects Steady Growth in 2022

AIA’s Architecture Billing Index (ABI) in January was 51.0 — a modest growth compared to scores over the past nine months. This score reflects current challenges to the construction sector, like staffing constraints and difficulty obtaining materials. Click the link below to read the full report.

AIA/Deltek Architecture Billings Index (ABI) requires a subscription to view historical ABI data. This link will take you to the AIA login.

Steel Imports Rise 7% From December 2021 to January 2022 

The American Iron and Steel Institute reported a 7% increase in imported steel during January 2022, including 2,265,000 net tons of finished steel. Compared to December 2021, finished steel is up 0.4% and total steel rose 6.7%. Some key finished steel products that increased significantly in January were wire rods, ingots and billets and slabs, hot rolled bars, heavy structural shapes and reinforcing bars. Read the full report below.

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