unlock greater potential with hss
Here, you’ll find everything you need to design with steel hollow structural sections (HSS). STI is dedicated to giving you the valuable tools and resources you need to bring your project to life.
HSS Tube Tool
This handy tool gives you key HSS info including material standards, code requirements, sample calcs, design aids and more.
Live Webinars
Earn your PDHs and gain valuable information on designing with HSS during our live and prerecorded webinars.
Webinars On Demand
View recorded webinars on topics including HSS connections, welding, seismic considerations, AESS, and more.
HSS Capability Tool
This tool helps specifiers and others within the supply chain locate producers of available HSS sizes.
Access the latest sustainability resources including EPDs, articles and webinars.
HSS and WF Column Selection Guide
This free guide pairs W-shapes with HSS shapes to quickly compare strength, weight, and section perimeter.
HSS Connex
This web-based software tool offers a simple way to check HSS wall thicknesses to aid in HSS connection design.
HSS Design Manuals
Access our series of technical HSS design manuals complete with examples, written for and by structural engineers.
Spreadsheet Design Aids
Our four aids cover shear, moment and truss connections, and column design, ensuring your design aligns with current AISC specs.
Effective Weld Length Calculator
Calculate the effective weld length for connections to HSS chords for various connection types.
HSS Insider
View issues from our email series featuring technical articles, interviews with industry experts, webinars, design aids and more.
HSS Articles
STI offers over 125 technical and peer articles on HSS topics like connection design, software tools, welding and more.
Limit State Tables
Download our summary of limit states to consider for connections at HSS.
HSS Case Studies
From stadiums and stores to bridges and museums, see how cost-efficient HSS enhanced the aesthetics of these structures.
HSS Member Benefits
Individual and group membership includes free webinars, design tools, discounts and more.
HSS Resource Library
Read the latest technical articles from industry experts, watch helpful videos and more.
Measuring Tolerances
View our STI Tolerance Guide, measurements video and webinar to learn how to check tolerances.
STI answers frequently asked questions on HSS connections, design, fabrication and more.