HSS Insider – Oct. 2021 – HSS Bollards

STI's HSS Insider

October 2021 | Issue #9

Key Insights on HSS Bollards, New Research and Educating Tomorrow’s Engineers

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HSS Articles

HSS Bollards

HSS Bollards Figure 1 HSS Insider - Oct. 2021 - HSS Bollards

Bollards are utilized inside structures to prevent accidental impact from forklifts or other vehicles. They are also used outside structures to prevent vehicles from accessing restricted areas. The most common bollard is a simple, concrete filled HSS designed to resist flexure. Read this article by Dr. Jeffrey Packer to explore design considerations and see a design example for concrete filled HSS bollards.

Nurturing the Next Generation of Engineers and Exploring New HSS Connections for the Future

Dr. Jason McCormick is a professor in the department of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Michigan. Hear his insights on mentoring aspiring structural engineers, designing with HSS bollards and more in this edition of STI Peer Perspectives. 

Learning Opportunities

Unordinary Tubular Connections

This presentation focuses on atypical HSS connections not covered in the manual. Learning objectives include addressing temperature concerns, reviewing the impact of tolerances on these connections and achieving an economical design.

This live webinar has already been presented. You may access the recorded webinar for free and order the quiz by clicking the button below. Note, if you have already ordered the webinar or quiz you will need to log in to your account to access them.

Related Resources

Composite Concrete Filled HSS: Design Considerations

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Read about the design aspects of HSS bollards with a focus on how to determine the nominal strength of beam-column members for round and rectangular concrete filled HSS members without additional steel reinforcement.

Practical Guidance for Concrete Filled HSS Columns

Figure 1: Concrete-filling of a composite HSS by pumping from the bottom

There are many benefits to concrete filled HSS columns and also commonly asked questions about bringing them to life. In this article, learn about various filling materials, design considerations and more. 

STI Offers 30-Day Free Trial of HSS Connex

HSS Insider - Oct. 2021 - HSS Bollards

HSS Connex is a web-based tool that offers designers a simple way to check HSS wall thicknesses to aid in efficient HSS connection design. The tool performs limit state checks at HSS walls and is great for determining whether reinforcing will be required. HSS Connex is available for HSS Professional Members, but STI is now offering a 30-day free trial.

UPDATE: HSS Connex is now available for free! Get unlimited access to HSS Connex by clicking below to order it. If you have already ordered it, you will need to log in to your account to access it.

In the News

Business Conditions Remain Strong at Architecture Firms

Most firms have already reopened from their pandemic closures. Despite concerns about the delta variant, architecture firm billings remained strong in August, with an Architecture Billings Index (ABI) score of 55.6 (any score over 50 indicates billings growth). 

AIA/Deltek Architecture Billings Index (ABI) requires a subscription to view historical ABI data. This link will take you to the AIA login.

July Steel Shipments up More Than 37%

The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reported that in July 2021, U.S. steel mills shipped 8,278,863 net tons of steel — a 37.2% increase from the 6,035,596 net tons shipped in July 2020.

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