HSS Insider – Jun. 2021 – EPDs, Buy Clean and Sustainability

STI's HSS Insider

June 2021 | Issue #6

The Impact of EPDS, Environmental Legislation and The Future of Sustainability in Steel

Get the latest technical articles, peer perspectives, webinars, resources and news.

HSS Articles

Achieving Green Goals With HSS

sustainable building with a blue sky and trees

Technical Consultant for Steel Tube Institute, Cathleen Jacinto PE, SE, discusses embodied carbon with a focus on environmental impacts of HSS and shares the many reasons why steel is a premier green construction material that should be considered when designing for sustainability.

Two Experts on Environmental Product Declarations and Sustainability in Steel

We spoke with Max Puchtel, director of government relations and sustainability at AISC, and John Cross, expert consultant at AISC, to hear about environmental product declarations (EPD), the implications of the Buy Clean California Act and sustainability in the future of steel.

Learning Opportunities

July 2021 Webinar and Forum | The Next Installment of Buy Clean California and the Steel Supply Chain

This next installment of the free Buy Clean California and the Steel Supply Chain webinar will highlight key updates since our May 2021 presentation and feature an extended Q&A forum to answer all your general questions surrounding the statute.

This webinar was updated May 2022 “Revised Buy Clean California and the Steel Supply Chain“. You may access the recorded webinar for free and order the quiz by clicking the button below. Note, if you have already ordered the webinar or quiz you will need to log in to your account to access them.

July 2021 Webinar | Yield-Line Analysis in Practice

During this insightful webinar, we’ll look at various theories dealing with yield lines, the basic and simple yield line mechanism that may be adopted to solve complicated problems, and so much more. Upon completion, each participant can earn 1 PDH and receive a certificate of completion.

This live webinar has already been presented. You may access the recorded webinar for free and order the quiz by clicking the button below. Note, if you have already ordered the webinar or quiz you will need to log in to your account to access them.

Related Resources

STI HSS Vol1 Manual Cover 200 HSS Insider - Jun. 2021 - EPDs, Buy Clean and Sustainability

Explore HSS Design Manuals

To ensure engineers, architects, fabricators and anyone involved in structural steel has a complete technical resource for using HSS, we have the HSS Design Manuals. Volumes 1-4 have recently been updated to incorporate the AISC 360-16 Specification and current HSS shape availability.

HSS Producers Capability Tool

square Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) stack

This tool was designed to help specifiers and those within the steel supply chain locate producers of specific sizes of HSS. All you have to do is designate the size or range and material grade (A500 B/C, A1085 or A1065), and then click on the search button.

In the News

Architecture Firm Billings Continue to Rebound

Conditions at architecture firms continued to rebound in April, with the AIA’s Architecture Billings Index (ABI) score rising to 57.9 (any score over 50 indicates billings growth). This is the highest ABI score since prior to the Great Recession.

AIA/Deltek Architecture Billings Index (ABI) requires a subscription to view historical ABI data. This link will take you to the AIA login.

April Steel Shipment Up 39.5% From Prior Year

The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) reported that for the month of April 2021, U.S. steel mills shipped 7,845,008 net tons, which is a 39.5% increase from the 5,623,229 net tons shipped in April 2020.

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