Webinars On Demand: Truss Connections for the Engineer of Record (December 2018)




When designing a truss comprised of HSS members, it is common practice for an EOR to specify the truss member sizes and delegate the design of the connection between members  to a specialty engineer or the fabricator’s engineer.  Depending on the connection type and magnitude of loads, the member sizes with the minimum amount of steel may not always lead to the most cost effective connection solutions. To help minimize the fabrication costs, there are rules of thumb and tools available that the EOR can follow.

Learning objectives include:

  • Sizing chord and branch members for efficient connection design.
  • Available tools to aid in efficient connection design without going down the road of designing the connection.
  • Examples of both properly and improperly designed trusses demonstrating the effects on the connection design and total cost of the truss.

Professional Development Hours
You can earn 1.0 PDH and receive a certificate of completion from the Steel Tube Institute (STI) by purchasing and passing a quiz. Select from one of the quiz options above.

  • After watching the video you will need to complete a 10-question multiple choice quiz.
  • Upon correctly answering 7 out of the 10 questions, your PDH certificate will be issued within 5 business days.

Webinar on Demand Fees
The recorded webinar video is free to view. The PDH quiz is available for $25 for HSS Professional Members and $35 for non-members. You will receive access to the webinar and/or quiz in your order receipt.  You may also access them through your account in Past Orders after you have completed your purchase.

Additional information


Webinar Only, Webinar and Quiz, Quiz Only