HSS Insider – Sep. 2020 – Directionality Increase for Fillet Welds

STI's HSS Insider

September 2020 | Issue #1

Discussing the Directionality Increase for Fillet Welds to HSS

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HSS Articles

Directionality Increase for Fillet Welds to HSS

Directionality Increase for Fillet Welds to HSS 1 1 HSS Insider - Sep. 2020 - Directionality Increase for Fillet Welds

I am normally not a proponent of writing about code changes before they appear in black-and-white print. That being said, I’m breaking my rule in this article in the name of safety and education as this is a frequently posed question to our technical consultants.

Expert Reactions to the Directionality Increase for Fillet Welds to HSS

HSS base plates with 2 different anchor bolt configurations e1590637329983 HSS Insider - Sep. 2020 - Directionality Increase for Fillet Welds

We sat down with Dr. Jeffrey Packer, a professor at the University of Toronto, to hear about his most recent research and get his thoughts on the directionality increase for fillet welds to HSS.

Learning Opportunities

A1065: Oversize HSS

In this free webinar sponsored by the Steel Tube Institute, we will explore ASTM A1065 material. We’ll discuss what it is, how it’s made, what testing is performed and how to get it. You’ll learn to identify the sizes available in A1065 and how to correctly design with it according to the AISC 360 Specification.

This live webinar has already been presented. You may access the recorded webinar for free and order the quiz by clicking the button below. Note, if you have already ordered the webinar or quiz you will need to log in to your account to access them.

HSS Splices

This webinar explores several HSS splice designs and fabrication requirements with learning objectives including requirements for a splice connection, examples of splice connections along with their economic considerations, and options that include proprietary materials.

This live webinar has already been presented. You may access the recorded webinar for free and order the quiz by clicking the button below. Note, if you have already ordered the webinar or quiz you will need to log in to your account to access them.

Related Resources

Screen Shot 2016 12 09 at 11.09.50 AM e1590630692415 HSS Insider - Sep. 2020 - Directionality Increase for Fillet Welds

Design of Fillet Welds to Rectangular HSS

Dr. Jeff Packer examines the effect of loading angle on fillet weld strength and the interaction between fillet welds with different loading angles.

Weld Effective Lengths for Round HSS Connections 

weld fracture in a 90 cross connections HSS Insider - Sep. 2020 - Directionality Increase for Fillet Welds

Take a look at round-to-round HSS connections and explore why AISC Specification is noticeably absent with no weld effective length rules given.

HSS Producers Capability Tool

Round HSS

Use the HSS Producers Capability Tool to locate producers of specific sizes of hollow structural sections for your upcoming project.

In the News

Code Update for CJP HSS Welds: Be Informed Before You Specify

Weld design isn’t exempt from the differences between wide-flange and hollow structural section (HSS) connection design. Unlike open sections where welding is possible on both sides of the flanges and web, the interior of HSS sections commonly used in building structures can’t be accessed.

Round HSS Essentials

Round hollow structural sections (HSS) are used in a plethora of applications from bridges to transmission towers and stadium roofs, or from handrails to posts. HSS are also used beyond structures. Get the details from an engineer’s point of view.

Steel Imports Down 19% Year to Date Through July 2020

Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute reported recently that the U.S. imported a total of 2,690,000 net tons (NT) of steel in July 2020, including 1,367,000 NT of finished steel (up 92% and 3.6% respectively vs. June final data).

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