HSS Producers Capability Tool

Welcome to STI’s HSS Producers Capability Tool. This tool was designed to help specifiers and those within the steel supply chain locate producers of specific sizes of hollow structural sections (HSS). To use, simply designate the size (or range), material grade (A500 B/C, A1085, or A1065), and then click on the search button. A513, steel mechanical tubing, is also included in this tool.

A chart will display indicating the sizes that are produced by STI member companies. Click on any square to view which STI producers currently manufacture or can manufacture the size requested. You can also find a complete list of STI’s HSS producers and more information by clicking Find STI Producers at the top right of this page.

Not sure which ASTM material grade you should use? Read our article “Understanding HSS Material Specifications: Which ASTM Should I Specify for HSS?“.

Watch this quick Capability Tool how-to video to see how easy it is to search your HSS sizes.

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