HSS Insider – Aug. 2022 – HSS K-Connections with Zero Gap

STI's HSS Insider

August 2022 | Issue #12

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HSS Articles

Rectangular HSS K-Connections with Zero Gap 

Use of a vertical division plate between the two branches

Dr. Jeffrey A. Packer breaks down HSS truss K-connections with zero gap in this technical article. Read more to hear his expertise on how to properly assess and weld zero-gap K-connections, and check out results from research sponsored by the Steel Tube Institute on this topic.

Allianz Field: How Collaboration and Round HSS Led to an Iconic Stadium

Allianz Field 1 ExteriorNight CreditSteveBergerson 1080 HSS Insider - Aug. 2022 - HSS K-Connections with Zero Gap

Allianz Field, known for its sweeping canopy and PTFE skin, is a testament to how innovative use of round HSS and collaboration between design and construction teams led to successfully bringing European soccer stadium aesthetics to America. Justin Barton, senior project manager at Walter P Moore, joins us to discuss the details of this incredible feat.

Learning Opportunities

August Webinar: Do’s and Don’ts of HSS

Welding HSS requires a distinct set of specifications — and with that comes do’s and don’ts of the trade. Listen to our free webinar to learn more about provisions related to end distance weld length, wall thickness, material and more. There will be 1.0 PDH or 1.0 LU credits available for attending this webinar.

This live webinar has already been presented. You may access the recorded webinar for free and order the quiz by clicking the button below. Note, if you have already ordered the webinar or quiz you will need to log in to your account to access them.

Related Resources

HSS Limits of Applicability

Figure 1 Overlapped K-Connection

When designing HSS connections, it’s important to understand the limits of applicability behind the limit state equations in the AISC Steel Specification. This article tackles some common limits of applicability for HSS, why we need them, design requirements within AISC 360-16 and more.

HSS-to-HSS Connections

Hidden Toe Overlapped K connection

For engineers designing HSS-to-HSS truss connections, it’s critical to identify the correct type of truss connection in order to optimize design. This article reviews HSS truss K-, N-, Y-, T-, and X-connections, as well as best application practices.

Understanding Local Yielding Due to Uneven Load Distribution

Figure 1: tension-loaded transverse plate

One unique aspect of HSS connections is the flexibility of the connecting HSS face wall. This leads us to check the limit state of local yielding of branch members due to uneven load distribution at HSS connections. This article defines and explores this limit state as it applies to a variety of HSS connections.

STI Member Spotlight

Diverse Capabilities Set Bull Moose Tube Apart 

Missouri-based company Bull Moose Tube offers a variety of products, like HSS, mechanical tubing and sprinkler pipe. They specialize in direct form HSS and have the ability to manufacture products up to a 12-inch square and ⅝-inch wall. Read more about Bull Moose Tube in our STI Member Spotlight.

In the News

Architecture Firms Hold Strong Against Economic Turmoil

The Architecture Billings Index for May 2022 is 53.5, down from April’s 56.5. However, the majority of firms reported billings growth for the 16th consecutive month. New projects and design projects saw an uptick this May, indicating a strong interest lies in new business. Read on to learn more about architecture employment, institutional projects and overall business conditions.

AIA/Deltek Architecture Billings Index (ABI) requires a subscription to view historical ABI data. This link will take you to the AIA login.

Steel Shipments Increase 3.7% from April to May

AISI reports that steel mills shipped 7,910,730 net tons in May 2022, an increase from April’s 7,629,985 net tons. The shipments year-to-date in 2022 shows a 1.1% increase from 2021 shipments. Read the full report below.

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