STI Limit State Table Derivations

The derivations shown below are intended to demonstrate the equivalence of limit state equations between the current AISC 360-22 Specification and 16th Ed. Manual Part 9 with the prescriptive tables that were previously shown in AISC 360-10 Specification Chapter K.

The following limit state derivations are included:

  • 1) Limit State = Local Yielding of HSS Chord Sidewalls
    • STI Limit State Table = Moment Table
    • Connection = Rectangular HSS-to-Rectangular HSS under In-Plane Moment
  • 2) Limit State = Local Yielding of Branches Due to Uneven Load Distribution
    • STI Limit State Table = Moment Table
    • Connection = Rectangular HSS-to-Rectangular HSS under In-Plane Moment
  • 3) Limit State = Local Yielding of HSS Chord Sidewalls
    • STI Limit State Table = Moment Table
    • Connection = Rectangular HSS-to-Rectangular HSS under Out-of-Plane Moment
  • 4) Limit State = Local Yielding of Branches Due to Uneven Load Distribution
    • STI Limit State Table = Moment Table
    • Connection = Rectangular HSS-to-Rectangular HSS under Out-of-Plane Moment

1) Limit State: Local Yielding of HSS Chord Sidewalls | In-Plane Moment for Rectangular HSS (Refer to Moment Limit State Table M2)

Refer to AISC 360-10 Eqn K3-7:
Mn = 0.5F*y t (Hb + 5t)2                                                                       [AISC 360-10 Eqn K3-7]

Refer to AISC 360-22 Specification Section J10.2 to derive available strength to match AISC 360-10 Eqn K3-7, based on local yielding of rectangular HSS Sidewalls under in-plane moment. 

Rn = Fywtw(5k + lb)           For lend > H                                                      [AISC 360-22 Section J10.2]
               lb = Hb
               tw = tdes of HSS chord = t
               k = t                Consider a conservative 1:1 slope for dispersion in lieu of k = 1.5t.
               F*y = Fy            for HSS T-Connections
                    = 0.8Fy          for HSS Cross-Connections
               2 Sidewalls
               Φ = 1.00, Ω = 1.50

Per Cidect Design Guide 3, pp. 62, moment derived from 2 stress blocks can be represented as:

Cidect Design Guide 3 - Moment derived from 2 stress blocks

2) Limit State: Local Yielding of Branches Due to Uneven Load Distribution | In-Plane Moment Conn for Rectangular HSS (Refer to Moment Limit State Table M2)

In-Plane Moment Conn for Rectangular HSS - AISC 360-10 Eqn K3-8 and K2-13

Refer to AISC 360-22 Specification Section F7 to derive available strength to match AISC 360-10 Eqn K3-8, based on local yielding of rectangular HSS branches due to uneven load distribution under in-plane moment.                                                                            

Mn = FyZeff                                                                                            [AISC 360-22 Eqn F7-1]

In-Plane Moment Conn for Rectangular HSS - AISC 60-22 Specification Section F7

(The approximation ignores the HSS thickness in the last term only which results in a conservative value that underestimates Zeff)

In-Plane Moment Conn for Rectangular HSS - Zeff

Since the branch member is primarily an axial member rather than a flexural member, the following resistance/safety factors are applied for this limit state:

Φ = 0.95, Ω = 1.58       

3) Limit State: Local Yielding of HSS Chord Sidewalls | Out-of-Plane Moment for Rectangular HSS (Refer to Moment Limit State Table M2)

Refer to AISC 360-10 Eqn K3-10:
Mn = F*y(B – t) (Hb + 5t)                                                                      [AISC 360-10 Eqn K3-10]

Refer to AISC 360-22 Specification Section J10.2 to derive available strength to match AISC 360-10 Eqn K3-10, based on local yielding of rectangular HSS Sidewalls under out-of-plane moment. 

Rn = Fywtw (5k + lb)       For lend > H                                                                                 [AISC 360-22 Section J10.2]
               tw = tdes of HSS chord = t
               k = t                Consider a conservative 1:1 slope for dispersion in lieu of k = 1.5t.
               lb = Hb / sinθ    For θ = 90, lb = Hb
               F*y = Fy                  for HSS T-connections
                    = 0.8Fy          for HSS Cross-Connections

Substituting to determine available strength:
Rn = F*y t [5t + Hb] = F*y t (Hb + 5t) for lend > H
Rn = F*y t [5t + Hb] = F*y t (Hb + 2. 5t) for lend < H

Φ = 1.00, Ω = 1.50 

LST Out Plane Moment Rectangular HSS 750w STI Limit State Table Derivations

4) Limit State: Local Yielding of Branches Due to Uneven Load Distribution | Out-of-Plane Moment Conn for Rectangular HSS (Refer to Moment Limit State Table M2)

LST Out Plane Moment Rectangular HSS AISC 360 10 EqnK3 11 750w STI Limit State Table Derivations

Refer to AISC 360-22 Specification Section F7 to derive available strength to match AISC 360-10 Eqn K3-11, based on local yielding of rectangular HSS branches due to uneven load distribution under out-of-plane moment. 

Mn = FyZeff                                                                                            [AISC 360-22 Eqn F7-1]

LST Out Plane Moment Rectangular HSS AISC 360 22 SpecSecF7 750w STI Limit State Table Derivations

The steps to determine Zeff are as follows:

  1. Find effective width of the two HSS branch walls transverse to the HSS chord
  2. Subtract plastic modulus of non-effective wall area from total HSS plastic modulus (Zb)
LST Out Plane Moment Rectangular HSS Zeff 750w STI Limit State Table Derivations

Since the branch member is primarily an axial member rather than a flexural member, the following resistance/safety factors are applied for this limit state:

Φ = .95, Ω = 1.58 

STI Limit State Tables Per AISC 360

STI's free Limit State Tables have been updated to the AISC 360-22 Specification and 16th Edition Manual. These tables serve as a comprehensive guide to the HSS limit state checks required for a wide range of HSS connection conditions and loading scenarios, including shear, axial, moment and truss connections. This invaluable resource also serves as an excellent companion to STI's Spreadsheet Design Tools.

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